Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Clark Gable vibe

           Kako je moguće opravdati postojanje posta o brkovima? I gdje su brkovi uopste nestali u poslednje vrijeme? Naravno, pojavljuju se na licima frontmena indie bendova, dizajnera i, sve češće, mladih arhitekata, ali zar ne treba da ima više brkova na nivou običnog čovjeka? Vratite brkove na ulice!

Definicija (http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com):
"A Moustache, commonly known as a pornstache is a hairy strip grown above the lip. Its known  for giving rides. In the prehistoric times of the 1970s  males grew moustaches, and carried them in their upper lips in order to catch attention of females. However, for most this didn't work really well and the male had to turn to  sodomy or shaking his twanger. "

Mug design by Peter Bruegger

Etimologija (http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com):
"Mustache is a contraction of must and ache; something that most probably hurts. This may be a reference to how a bad mustache hurts the eyes, or how much it may hurt to kiss someone with an unwieldy mustache, or how much it hurts to get stuff stick in one. The similarity in pronunciation to mistake is no coincidence: many mustaches result from mistakes. In fact, even if someone intentionally wears a mustache it is often considered a mistake."

            Ipak, ne treba očajavati, jer zahvaljujući istim tim dizajnerima i mladim arhitektama, koji kroje popularnu kulturu današnjice, brkovi se polako vraćaju na scenu, a mi možemo samo da čekamo dok čovječanstvo ponovo ne bude spremno da okupa lice u ovom toplom božanskom prisustvu.

Stamp design by Jennie Perri

Handkerchief by Avril Loreti

" The moustache is the evolutionary next level to enlightenment. "
 Oscar Wilde

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